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Classroom Delivery,
Communication Publishing,
Consulting Services,
Instructional Design,
Meeting Facilitation,
Newsletter Articles,
Productivity Training,
Seminar Speaking,
System Support,
Team Building.

Copyright 2006
Shirley Lee
All Rights Reserved |
Some statistics say that managers and supervisors spend less than 25% of
their day doing what they were hired to do. Most of their time is spent
putting out fires.
According to the “Wizard of Whoã”,
before planning a group or team, consider their purpose or mission. The group must
have a clear reason for existing and gathering before any members can be
selected or meetings can be planned. The purpose is a simple written
statement of the primary reason(s) for the group to gather and work. A
mission statement is a written sentence related to the task(s) the group
should accomplish. The person(s) sponsoring the group or the person selected to lead the team may
be responsible for proposing a purpose or mission statement. Once members are selected
and the group is formed, they may choose to refine their statement. If the
group cannot agree to a common purpose or mission, then the group is doomed to
failure. Once the purpose or mission is apparent, then future meeting agendas and
actions become easier to develop and implement. This refinement typically
happens in the first meeting.
facilitators are a great asset when developing a mission or purpose
statement for an organization.
They can insure the process is conducted in a respectful and effective
manner. However, not everyone has good facilitators in their
organization or a budget to contract one, therefore someone at the
meeting may have to lead this effort. To help the leader for this
portion of the meeting, there are several sites on the internet that offer
advise on creating statements for mission, purpose, or vision. Try a
search using "write _____ statement" using the word that fits best in
the blank. See what options appear, then review several sites for
commonalities in order to get the best information on how to proceed.
Click here for detailed PC hints on-line.
quick activity to promote team collaboration is called “Magic Carpet”. For
this activity you use a regular size bed sheet (for 12-20 people, use
smaller or larger sheet depending on team size). Lay the sheet on the floor
and ask all team members to stand on the sheet. Then tell them to turn the
sheet over without any member touching the floor or picking each other up.
Debrief the activity with questions related to who had ideas, which were
tried, who was leader, what might they have done differently, etc.
here for more group activities on-line.
is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of
purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess
Napoleon Hill

In the areas of
Communications and Training?
Do you have a department company, or
organization newsletter that could use spiffing-up with interesting articles
or excellent editing?
Would you like an effective speaker for in-house
seminars, workshops, or
Do you have a need for unique and informative
PowerPoint slide shows?
Would you like to see your courses improve and
the participants get more from the materials?
Do you have a need for a professional
facilitator to guide an upcoming meeting?
Contact Shirley Lee
at 214-457-5736
to discuss your
needs and options.