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Classroom Delivery,
Communication Publishing,
Consulting Services,
Instructional Design,
Meeting Facilitation,
Newsletter Articles,
Productivity Training,
Seminar Speaking,
System Support,
Team Building.

Copyright 2006
Shirley Lee
All Rights Reserved |
According to a 1998
MCI Conferencing white paper titled "Meetings in America", most
professionals attend a total of 61.8 meetings per month. Some of those
attending regular meetings, report that during meetings they daydreamed
(91%), did other work (39%), or dozed (39%).
Would you like to know what the “Wizard of Whenã”
says about measuring meetings? If yes, then see
Shirley's article called "Are Meetings Producing a
Loss or a Gain?" at
Would you like to know what the “Wizard of Whenã”
says about making your meetings more productive?
If yes,
then see Shirley's article called "Turn Meetings into Pep
Rallies of Productivity!" at
Evaluating meetings can be very helpful in planning and measuring
improvement. You can do a non-technical evaluation (Pro/Con or +/-) and get
people's reaction which will only tell you how they feel about your
productivity on that particular date. Or you may prefer to use a formalized
number scaled evaluation tool so that you can track the effectiveness of
each meeting and tell if improvement is occurring and what training may be
needed. You can easily track the results of a scaled evaluation in a
spreadsheet tool and report results to team or management.
Would you like to utilize
an evaluation tool the
“Wizard of Whenã”
says helps you measure the effectiveness of your meetings? If yes,
then find a FREE evaluation at:
When a
group is meeting for the first time, an icebreaker may be a good way to get
acquainted before jumping into the work at hand. However don't make
the icebreaker too long or you may have some people thinking that you wasted
too much of their valuable time playing games instead of getting down to
A quick icebreaker that is not too personal for
a new group activity, but allows you to learn something about the other
people's personality and thought processes is called "Are you more like".
This activity may be done as a group or in pairs. For pairs, give each
person two index cards with different pairing of words from below to ask
each other. To do as a group, the leader may randomly select 2 or 3
people to ask each pairing of before selecting a new pairing and different
Are you more like _________ ? Why?
Airplane or bicycle
Basketball or golf ball
Cola or milk
Door or window
or a suit
Computer or an adding machine
Volkswagen or a Cadillac
Giraffe or a hippopotamus
Baked potato or French fries
Television or radio
"There are two ways of
meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself
meeting them." - Phyllis Bottome
Wizard of When units available in:
full-length courses or 1 hour topic seminars.
Additional organizing courses available:
Workspace Organization
Problem Solving
Group Organization
Also available
2 - 4 hour
teaming courses.